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Lunatec manufactures innovative gear to simplify your life so you can complicate it with adventure. Inspiration for Lunatec’s products comes from our own adventures. The self-cleaning washcloth (Trekr) was developed for a kayaking trip to Glacier Bay Alaska. We needed a washcloth that would quickly dry, get you clean and was easy to maintain. That’s when we came up with the idea to make a flat nylon loofa.

The odor-free dishcloth (Scrubr) was inspired by weekend camping trips. We noticed it was common for people to throw away a sponge after car camping rather than take home a wet sponge. Scrubr dries before you’re done breaking camp and stays odor-free in your cook-set.

During a backpacking trip in Alaska we had to boil water to make it potable. Using your water bottle for anything other than drinking is inefficient and so you have to boil more water. The hydration spray bottle (Aquabot) was designed to make water usage more versatile and efficient while backpacking without having to carry another piece of gear.